Aqueduct Update 7/18/23

Woodstock Aqueduct Update - Tuesday, July 18:

There was a transportation mix-up yesterday and all the pipe pieces had to be cut in half. This means that connecting the pipes will take twice as long as originally estimated (because there are double the number of pieces to connect).

Our best estimate is that by the end of Wednesday, the pipe will be completely put together. As soon as that happens, the firehoses will be removed. The samples will most likely be brought to the lab on Thursday morning. We are hopeful that we will have the bacteria and chlorine test results on Friday. If the tests come back clear, we will be able to lift all the notices, meaning the water will be considered potable (no boiling required).

Note that the State is not requiring us to test for PFAS, as we were able to prove that none of the firehoses had ever had PFAS run through them. Nevertheless, we are testing for it out of an abundance of caution. The PFAS test can take up to three weeks to come back. However, as it is not required by the State, we do not have to wait for the results of that test to be able to lift the notices. We will share the results when they come back.

For more information, please contact the Woodstock Aqueduct Company at or

Check Omni Reporter’s Facebook page for updates.


Aqueduct Update 7/19/23


In Woodstock: FEMA, Red Cross and State on-site providing resources this week