Aqueduct: Don't drink Woodstock water; boiling won't make it safe

On Friday evening, the Woodstock Aqueduct Company announced the following:

Do not drink water from the Woodstock Aqueduct system until further notice. Boiling water will not make it safe to consume.
You CAN use the water to flush, bathe, wash hands and clean items that will not be used for the consumption of food or drink.
You CANNOT use the water to drink, cook, wash dishes or items that may go in a person's mouth such as a retainer or baby toys.
The Woodstock Aqueduct Company is working with the State of Vermont to fix the problem as soon as possible. The Town of Woodstock will list any updates on the Town of Woodstock homepage and on the town's Facebook page and Woodstock listserv. For more information from the water system, please contact: Woodstock Aqueduct Company at or


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